“Building cornerstones with a Proverbs”

Recently, my family laid my 93-year-old grandfather to rest. He wasn’t your typical almost 100-year-old man…. He attended soccer games, catted around town, and had a mind sharper than my own. Grandaddy remained full of joy and kept his love for The Lord as his last days drew near.  

As I reflected on my grandfather’s character and legacy, I considered qualities I desire my children to hold as they grow. Humility, discernment, and honor are a few that land high on the chart. One of my favorite scriptures has become Proverbs 15:33, “Wisdom’s instruction is to fear the Lord, and humility comes before honor.” Initially, this verse simply seemed to be an easy one to memorize, but cornerstones have been made from it.

Another word for humility is humble, and the definition of humble is “reflecting, expressing, or offered in a spirit of submission.” The key word mentioned is ‘reflecting.’ Consider how quickly our attitudes shift when we pause to reflect on what Christ has done in our lives. Humility is a trait that reveals a person consistently taking time to examine their hearts and motives. Our world screams entitlement and self-worth, yet The Bible teaches us to assess our hearts, consider our motives and repeatedly return to our Heavenly Father for acceptance, love, and direction.

Discernment has become one of my reoccurring prayer requests for our children. Having the ability to decipher what is true and right has become a difficult task in our egocentric world. It takes a commitment to God’s Word and your identity in Christ to withstand the enemy’s schemes these days. Life is filled with opportunities to self sooth with idols, dilute our faith, and question ourselves. Discernment rooted in God’s voice lifts the fog and guides us back to Him.

Honor is the other trait that falls near to my heart. I feel it’s a concept that’s quickly being diminished and slowly deteriorating. A definition for honor is “one whose worth brings respect.” Our worth lies in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and our respect should fall upon His Father’s commands. Our children, as well as ourselves, should actively seek a healthy ‘fear of the Lord’ rooted in reverence, or honor due unto Him.

I’m beginning to sound like a King James version of The Bible….

So as this scripture continues to settle into my mind, the cornerstones become built around my heart for myself, my children, and those around me…………Wisdom’s instruction (the Bible, guidance from God) is to fear The Lord(hold a healthy respect for Him and His commands) and humility(an understanding of our position in this world, reflecting on Christ’ sacrifice and God’s goodness) comes before honor(as we seek to glorify Him, we find honor in serving for Christ).  

May we be a group of believers that lead by example with humility, discernment and honor as we live out one of the Proverbs and wait for our Heavenly Father to call us home.



“Are you a Gideon?”


“Embedding Scripture”