“Grant us wisdom, Lord”
Wisdom-the ability to discern.
Discern-the ability to detect with senses, other than vision.
Our world is rapidly growing with a society focused on outward characteristics and poor judgment. Too often, individuals are making assessments based off emotions, lack of knowledge and shallow verbiage.
As we watch the news, see society’s reactions, face difficult decisions and everything in between, how do we as believers, set ourselves apart?.......
Our friend from the Bible, Solomon, is typically known for two things, his love of women and his request for knowledge. We’ll give him some grace and focus on the latter trait for today.
1 Kings 3:7-9(CEB) says, “And now, Lord my God, you have made me your servant, king of my father David’s place. But I’m young and inexperienced. I know next to nothing. But I’m here, your servant, in the middle of the people you have chosen, a large population that can’t be numbered or counted due to its vast size. Please give me your servant a discerning mind in order to govern your people and to distinguish good from evil, because no one is able to govern this important people of yours without your help.”
I love this story for a number of reasons, but mostly for Solomon’s choice of words. Notice he said, “But, I’m here,” and “in order to.” Solomon had the opportunity to request the absence of problems, removal of frustration and more, but he chose to recognize his position in life and from whom it evolved, His Creator.
Today’s world is filled with choices and controversy and the enemy is great at blurring the lines on right and wrong. But if we return to God and His Word with the attitude of Solomon, our Creator is always faithful to answer and ready to direct our steps.
James 1:5 says, “If you need wisdom, ask your generous God, and He will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.”
But let’s press pause a moment and consider how wisdom is delivered once we ask…. Does it just magically enter our mind and alter our thought process? Do decisions miraculously become easier, and life’s drama flee? Unfortunately, the answer is most likely no, yet the perspective changes. As we recognize our need for God’s guidance, commit to studying His Word, wholeheartedly desire His way over ours and seek a posture of humbleness we begin to see life differently. We begin to experience the words from Isaiah 55, “Come to me with your ears wide open, listen and you will find life,” and “My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts, says the Lord, and my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine.” Our focus shifts to purpose and trust takes over.
These words are refreshing and encouraging when you are walking a road with difficult decisions. No matter the circumstance you are facing, He desires to grant you wisdom for the road ahead and discernment to know how to navigate it. Take time to ask yourself if you have asked Him for it…
Parents, take time to study God’s Word. It’s not enough to stand on the bits and pieces you’ve gathered through life. Really commit to studying it; knowing and believing it is His message, one that is still alive and active. Show your children how to go to it for direction, studying it as a whole and learning about the attributes of God.
My dad often says, “I sure wouldn’t want to raise you and your brothers in this world today, it was hard enough back when you all were growing up.” There is no better response than, “ain’t that the truth!” I often laugh at the idea that my parents only had to explain the birds and the bees. We are facing things such as the birds and the bees, the birds that want to be bees, the bees that say their birds, the birds that want the other birds…..you get the point. Our conversations will be much more challenging as our children grow, but with God’s guidance He will grant us wisdom and discernment for the path ahead. All we need to do is ask and commit to following His guidance.