“Our Circle”

Today’s blog is written by my husband, Matt Bridges. Take a minute to gain insight on our influences and the blessing of friendships!

There is an old saying that says you are a lot like the people you hang around. Our circle of friends has a strong influence on each of us. From day-to-day issues to life changing decisions, we are all looking for someone to bounce ideas and concerns off.

Consider this, you talk with your group of friends after an argument with your spouse. How does your circle respond? Do they side with you and tell you all the things you did correct and your spouse did wrong? Or do they hold you accountable and tell you biblical truths to that disagreement? Here comes the hard part. If your circle is not holding you accountable and speaking biblical truths, your circle needs to be re-evaluated.

By God’s hand, I have been fortunate over the last few years to have a circle that God handpicked. A circle that has helped evolve clear thoughts during uncertainty and using Godly influence whether it be with business decisions, family challenges or daily concerns. The men in my life have helped me grow stronger personally and spiritually. We have laughed together, cried together, and watched our families endure hardships. But, one thing is certain, all blessings and hardships are hit head on with prayer first.

Our circle uses the “circle approach” to prayer. Mark Batterson authored a book, “The Circle Maker.” In this book, Mark details obstacles in life in which each concern was prayed over in the form of a circle. He would physically walk circles around the concern being lifted in prayer. In doing this, you are changing your prayer routine and talking to God in a new, sometimes, tangible way. Circle your homes when you are having difficulties in your marriage or with your kids. Circle your business or place of employment when difficulties arise at work. Circle your kids’ schools when they are facing trials. Circle your churches when the Spirit prompts you. You get the idea. And remember this, it is ok to not get immediate results.  Our circle has learned that circling can take months or years. Yet, one thing we have learned is that God is faithful, and faith is strengthened during the wait.

Key words to biblical truths to our lives is supplication and application. What does God’s Word tell us about handling life’s challenges? Philippians 4:6 says in all things, offer prayer and petition. What does God’s Word tell us about marriage? Ephesians 5 should be your go to. What if we are struggling with a tough decision? Read Proverbs daily. God will certainly speak knowledge, truth, and discernment through this profound book of the Bible.

And lastly, is your circle displaying Matthew 28:19, “Go and make disciples of all nations.”  Jesus told his disciples to GO, whether next door, another country or within your circle. This is not an option; this is a command to all who follow Jesus and call him Lord. Use your spiritual gift to accomplish the great commission. And use your circle to change families and grow the Kingdom!



“Previously Equipped”


“Which direction do you choose?”