Purpose in Everything
Have you encountered days that knock you off your feet? A fiercely strong-willed child pushing against your instruction? The stomach virus sweeping through your house in the middle of a busy work week? Those days we exhale and say “whyyyy God?”
Are you interested in an answer to that question lurking in your mind? Hear me out on this…..because There. Is. Purpose. In. Everything.
Once my entire house had the stomach virus. Every single person living within our home was hugging a toilet, even our child. It was not a pretty site if you want to imagine. It was brutal.
My mother courageously volunteered to enter the war zone to help. I knew the chances of her getting it were high, but I was desperate. As she came to my rescue, I took a quick private moment to silently ask God to protect her from getting the bug. I then had a nudge within my heart to pray the words out loud over her. “What God? Surely not,” my stomach flipped, but not from the bug. I had never prayed over my mother and especially not out loud. I had a great relationship with mom, she was very involved in my life, but the relationship to hold hands and call on God was not who we were. Growing up, our prayers usually occurred sitting straight-back at a dining room table for Sunday dinner and silently at bedtime alone. An outward expression of our love for God was not exercised. I think sometimes we simply grow accustomed to spiritual habits without realizing the growth God continues to offer. Our family loved Jesus dearly, but had settled into this rhythm.
As a wife and mother, I began to desire a different environment for our family. I loved the home I was brought up in but wanted the rhythm of our home to match the faith in my heart. My heart, hands and feet leaped for Jesus and all He had done for me! I wanted family or friends to feel comfortable declaring God’s power over weaknesses and encouragement beyond the phrase “just pray about it.” But I realized my own thoughts had become a prayer of “can You make those changes, God?”
We do this sometimes don’t we? Ask God to grant a wish or desire without realizing He plans for us to participate. I had a responsibility as a believer to not only ask God to answer my prayer but to become willing to participate if He prompted me.
So, here I was with an opportunity and what felt like God’s open palm saying, let’s take a baby step. I wanted to freely step forward, but could not help but be afraid of awkwardness. If we think about it, isn’t that why we hesitate to step forward in a moment like this? Just fear of awkwardness? Awkwardness is such a gawky, funny word, but has so much depth to it doesn’t it? Thankfully, children always seem to be a great buffer; they are like built-in buddies when you need someone to tag along and break the ice. Coincidentally, mine was nearby. With my daughter on my hip and the nudge in my heart I decided to take His hand, step forward and live out that faith inside my heart. This pesky stomach virus had become my opportunity to do so with Mom. While it was only one prayer in the moment, I knew it was a pivotal moment. Shaking like a leaf inwardly, but casual on the surface, I made my way towards her and said, “Mom, can I pray over you out loud and ask God to protect you from getting this stomach virus?”
With a large smile surfacing and a gleaming heart practically glowing on her chest she said, “Of course honey.” And standing in my kitchen I called upon our Heavenly Father with my hands on my mother for the first time in 35 years. What seemed like such a burden in the middle of my work week turned into a moment God took my hand and lead me towards my heart’s desire. God already knew the desires in my heart, but He was awaiting my willingness to go forth.
You see, our everyday life will have bumps in the road. Things like the stomach virus, cars breaking down, and our schedule going haywire will occur. It is inevitable. But what may not occur inevitably is our perspective. We must open our eyes to realize God works through everything, even the mishaps throughout our day. Every day opportunities are moments to allow growth and purpose. God pursues us and awaits us to actively involve Him in all circumstances.
But understand there are two factors imperative to gaining a different perspective, an intimate relationship with our Heavenly Father and willful obedience. We can desire God’s will for our families, even exhibit a better attitude, but if we are only having a one-sided conversation with God and not wholeheartedly seeking Him, His voice may become clouded. Spending time in His Word reveals more about Him and replaces our common thought process with His voice. God’s Word begins to guide us to a larger perspective that births the mindset- it is not always about us, but always about His purpose in it. God turns our attention from the uncertainty of our own plans to the certainty of His control and deep- rooted love for us.
If you’re wondering if mom ever got the stomach virus, she did. Even after I fought my awkwardness, stepped forward in obedience and proclaimed Jesus’ healing power over my mom, she still fell victim to the bug. But you know, it was ok. We both, could see the bigger picture from that moment and would not trade it for anything. Turns out, God was working through both of our heart’s desires.
One of my simple joys in life is music. Lyrics to a song speak life into my heart on any given day! Allow the lyrics to speak to your heart! Enjoy!