“Purpose in the Trials”
I am sharing a writing from the past this week! Enjoy this perspective on our friend, Joseph that still applies today!
Remember Joseph from the Bible? Not Jesus’ earthly dad...the Old Testament Joseph. He was Jacob’s favorite son and pranced around like a gazelle in the fancy coat. God revealed to Joseph early in his life that he was given the ability to interpret dreams. Not just any dreams, but visions of the future to fulfill God’s plans. Joseph didn’t exactly handle this revelation with humility....he ‘word vomited’ the plans of his future leadership on anyone listening, but his heart was simply excited and willing to live out the plan.
But what happened when that exciting ‘plan’ or ‘dream’ went south? When Joseph realized God wanted to use him I’m sure he didn’t picture the tough road ahead.
Joseph’s zeal for life was misunderstood and he became the target of his brothers’ jealousy as they sold him to a traveling caravan passing by. Man! Can you imagine selling your sibling to the trafficking system in today’s world and then lying to your parents about it?! These hearts were cold and full of envy.
When Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery they had no idea what would become of him, nor did they care. Poor Joseph’s excitement to live out God’s calling had been crushed as his circumstances surfaced tragedy.
Joseph became alone, scared and confused as he was led by the caravan into Egypt and awaited more trying times. As the hardships unravel Joseph finds himself living out God’s vision that was given earlier in life. He rules over Egypt, becomes the source of food during a famine and holds respect from many. His shocking new identity is revealed to his starving brothers and his emotions are in turmoil as he recalls their cruel actions. Joseph has the power and ability to dismiss them for life….just as they did to him.
This story carries a lot of human disappointment. When looked at as a whole, the valleys outnumber the peaks in life, but the most unique part of Joseph’s story is how he handles the trials. Joseph refrains from being the victim and turns away from things like revenge and self pity. He chooses a different perspective and God.
Joseph’s choice of response to his cold hearted brothers’ actions was simply this, “ As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good,” Genesis 50:20. Wowza. Talk about having the right perspective!
Hear me on this…the point of Joseph’s story is not to glorify how forgiving he was to those who mistreated him, but to see his focus during hardships. Joseph learned important lessons in humiliating circumstances. Those challenges in life led him to gain discernment through prayer as he waded through uncertain times, and most importantly, he drew into a closer relationship with God as he leaned on Him more than ever. Think back on trying times in your life. Can you trace the growth in your faith?
Joseph’s painful blows in life molded him into a strong, Godly leader. The Bible says that even the powerful Pharaoh was in awe of Joseph’s God honoring humility and granted him a position right out of prison. When this blessing occurred Joseph kept his focus on God and gave glory to Him.
Think about this..Joseph’s unpredictable path in life offered many opportunities for self pity. He was thrown in jail for something he didn’t do, forgotten by people he helped and mistreated by family for his youthful pride. Yet, notice how the Bible records his choice to take on a perspective centered around God. Joseph gained an intimate knowledge of who God was to him-faithful, trustworthy.
The attributes of God were not simply concepts Joseph had heard; they were beliefs in his heart. When life was unpredictable Joseph held tight to God through prayer and faith. The hardships in his life are what molded this trust!
“What the enemy meant for evil, God turned it for good,” is a powerful perspective to have in a world filled with heartache. I’m persuaded to imagine Joseph making the future words in Romans his life’s motto, “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”
Suffering tenderizes our hearts and draws us closer through prayer and community. Hard times can reap a beautiful image of love as community comes together. But to focus only on the suffering causes you to miss a much bigger picture.
To spend your life asking “why is this happening,” will exhaust your mind and heart. But to shift your focus to who you truly believe God is will reset your perspective.
I would venture to say Joseph didn't welcome the trials. We don’t want to suffer. But, I can say he confidently put his life in God’s hands and trusted whatever came his way would be protected by God.
Listen, sometimes we just forget who God is. He is the creator of this world and every human in it. He hung the moon, placed the stars and controls every breath we take. Bring your fears and heartaches back to Him and trust He will see you through it according to His will. Rest in knowing nothing goes unnoticed by Him and what the enemy schemes for destruction is always overcome by God’s power and goodness according to His purpose.