“The Heart of the Matter”

Have you ever noticed the people in church services that lift their hands during worship? There was a time in my life when I would discreetly stare at them during worship. My mind would wonder, ‘why do they do that, did they grow up raising hands?’ What made some sing with their entire body and others just their lips? For me, I was in the latter group. I grew up in a small, conservative church averaging twenty-five people on a Sunday. The congregation sang holding rugged hymnals as Mrs. Dera Jane, the local elderly lady scaled away on the piano. We chorused “victory in Jesus, my Savior forever,” with elbows tucked in and hands firmly on the hymnal. A lifting of hands in the sanctuary may have indicated someone having a heart attack and requesting help. The sanctuary was filled with men and women that truly loved the Lord but showing an outward expression of the lyrics would produce some eyebrow raises.

Life after graduation lead me to a bigger city with churches galore. I settled into one of the larger ones as a newlywed with my husband. Surrounded by people from different backgrounds, my eyes were turned to a new sight. Almost thirteen hundred individuals filled the sanctuary each Sunday. The stage displayed drums, keyboards, and guitarists. I was far from the tiny rectangle building with a steeple among the corn fields. While my heart reflected on the simplicity of my prior church, my eyes gleaned at the new sight. A sight that showed many offering an outward expression of their hearts as they worshipped with hands lifted high. They seemed so free, like they didn’t seem to mind if they looked different than the individual next to them. Some swayed side to side with eyes closed dwelling in the worship; others clasped their hands together as they belted out lyrics. Were they that enthralled in the music or was their worship simply for The Lord? That thought pricked my own heart, ‘worship simply for The Lord.’

Where had my own heart been when worshiping The Lord? Different approaches to worship were not to be called right or wrong but, where the heart was mattered.  

Years later in life I attended a small retreat at a local Christian camp. Praise music, good food and quiet time were on the agenda. As I listened to a speaker, she referenced different positions of prayer. Her message was to consider everything in us, while holding nothing back with God. Shortly after she finished speaking, music began to play softly, and quiet time was encouraged. I suddenly sensed The Lord whispering, “let it all go.” I peeked one eye open to see what everyone else was doing….no movement was detected. A message overcame me again, “Adrienne, let all of it go, focus on me.” So I pushed to make my mind focus on the image of my Holy Father seated on His Heavenly throne deserving praise for who He was to me. This helped my mind close off the worry of what others around me may have been doing. It became me and God in the moment.

Being deeply moved by this image, I slowly slivered off my metal folding chair and eased onto my knees. Surprisingly, I felt drawn to place my face on the floor; a position I had never considered displaying in public. I felt consumed with overwhelming contentment and peace with no concern of anyone else. I no longer cared what position or stance others were taking; I was worshipping my Father.

I opened my eyes and stood to my feet. The music had increased in volume, and many were worshiping in the room. I then felt a third whisper, “Don’t think of what others think, think only of Me.” With the whisper echoing, eyes closed, both arms went straight up as I sang praise to the Heavenly Father with such freedom.

I share this story with you not to proclaim you must lift your hands in worship to fully proclaim His glory, not the case at all.  But, to consider your heart on the matter. So often I felt deeply moved by a powerful lyric but thought more about what I may look like if I acted on it. The Lord made sure to wipe that concern off the table when I ended up prostrate on the floor at the retreat!

Friends, take time to consider the gift of worship to The Lord. It can be shown in many different ways. Hands up, hands down….doesn’t matter. It’s all about your heart and the Heavenly Father. Close your eyes, imagine that and see where He leads you.


Hard decisions…


“Keep Pressing Forward”