“Learning to Be Still”

The backpacks were tossed in the corner, flip flops were everywhere, and endless ideas fell out of our kids’ mouths. Bedtimes got kicked to the curb and freedom rounded the corner as summer slid in. But, shortly into the new season it seemed freedom turned into fussing and my idea of relaxing turned into refereeing.

As I stood before our children griping about how they were griping, I caught a glimpse of our stack of Bibles and devotionals nearby. I had every intention of incorporating quiet time for the kids into the summer days, but realized the intention had fallen short of action. I often awake early to be still in God’s Word before the precious gremlins test my patience, but seem to allow the children to land on quiet time when time allowed... I was reminded that my habit of choosing to be still had been formed over time and was an active part of strengthening my relationship with Jesus, as well as improving my attitude. I returned to the game plan for summer and added “quiet time” to the bucket list of summer. Pressing pause to read God’s Word, jot down prayers and form a habit of being still definitely took some enticing for them….fun pens, bright markers, cozy blankets, a good ole’ Coca Cola…you get the picture. As we settled into our Bible time, the questions began.

“Mom, what do we read?”

“Mom, how long do we read?”

“Mom, can I skip this section, it’s not interesting!”

One question after another, I resonated with their perception as I remember approaching the Bible early on with similar thoughts, “where should I start, what did that verse mean, how often should I do this?” Some days reading my Bible felt like a chore; other days I felt empowered by knowing I had God’s Word fresh within my mind. Some passages I read spoke right to me, where other areas left me confused. But, with every ‘yes’ to being still in His Word and every obedient ‘no’ to continuous movement came a renewed sense of strength and purpose. Reading through challenging passages left me seeing God in a new light. Coming across familiar stories revealed new insight that offered a relatable perspective, and the continued intake of His Word reprogrammed my way of thinking. His Word became louder than my opinion.

If you are new to reading your Bible and carving out time with God or have made a commitment to return to it and fight the temptation to put it last on your to do list, hear me out……

Making a commitment to press pause and read His Word is the Most. Strengthening. Habit. You. Will. Ever. Form.

I’m writing to encourage you from my own experience. The enemy will taunt you to avoid forming the habit. He will convince you there is no time and entice you with appealing, alternative options, but see them for what they are, options.

One day after the kid’s quiet time, one daughter commented, “hey mom, now that we’re doing this quiet time, I noticed reading my Bible makes me feel better, I’m glad I stop to do this.” Amen, honey, Amen.

If you are looking for a way to start, need direction or want to be encouraged in forming a quiet time habit, reach out to me! I’d be happy to offer insight!


“A Christian Critic”


“More than a bedtime story”