“More than a bedtime story”

Do you remember the children’s fable, “The Three Little Pigs?”  You know, “Little pig, little pig, let me in!” Go ahead, you’ve already thought of the rest….”not by the hair on my chinny chin, chin!”

Whether you are in a season of life with small children or simply remember the fable from childhood, you can probably recall how three pigs built three homes, but only one overcame the big bad wolf.

The youngest child in our home loves this story and routinely picks it for bedtime reading. As my husband and I have taken turns reading it nightly, both of us couldn’t help but notice the significance of the lesson within the story.

If you recall the fable; two pigs quickly build their homes with straw and sticks, then move on to more pleasurable activities for the day. But, the third pig wisely and patiently builds his home with bricks. Of course, we can see patience and effort pays off, but what if we considered a deeper message that involves instant gratification, putting away selfish desires, and preparation?

Sounds deep when you consider it being only story time and pigs building huts, but with spiritual eyes you can see how all of us are ‘pigs’ making choices in everyday life that build a strong or weak foundation…

Instant gratification refers to feeding a desire within yourself and normally, in an impulsive manner. Hear me on this-it is something we should be praying against for ourselves and our children. Our world is overflowing with a message to act on impulse, take part in more pleasurable activities, choose the easier path and a constant building of our egos, but wisdom teaches us to builds a strong stance God’s way.

Preparation for the enemy prowling around our home involves strategy. Remember, not only did the third pig build a strong home, but he also lit a fire under his boiling pot of water for the wolf to fall into as he came through the chimney. He wasn’t naïve to think his enemy would only come through the front door…

This bedtime story offered more than a nightly routine for our family. It opened conversations that involved a message of choices based off healthy perspective, discerning situations with the enemy at play, and choosing to fight the temptations to give in to our flesh.

Most importantly, it circled us to Scriptures to pray around our home that we actively choose to keep building on a firm foundation.

Below, you fill find a prayer based off Psalms 37 that you can encircle around yourself and loved ones.

-Lord, remind us not to fret because of those who are evil or be envious of those who do wrong, may we always trust in only you. May our desire to do good be rooted in you; as we dwell in your land and enjoy safe pastures that you provide.  May our children, as well as ourselves, take delight in you Lord and know that you and only you, will fulfill the desires of our hearts. We pray that our family will always commit our ways to you and trust in you. May we learn to be still before you, Lord and wait patiently for you. May we go to Your Word for patience and understanding as we wait patiently for you. Amen.

I encourage you to personalize Scripture for your prayers. Psalms and Proverbs are great places to start! And, I leave you with this simple question, “Which little pig will you be?”





“Learning to Be Still”


“More than Broken Teeth”