“Identify the Root”

It was time to spruce up the flowerbeds outside my home. I’m not big on pulling weeds or traipsing through flowerbeds, due to my ridiculous fear of snakes, but I had gussied up some courage and decided to get the job done. As I began to tug on a short, dead, stubby trunk I quickly noticed it not budging. It was only three inches in height; why wouldn’t this stub move? Grabbing a shovel, I began to excavate and spoon out to my surprise an eighteen-inch root!

Roots can be a fascinating concept once they are revealed. What appeared shallow and simple was deep and tenacious. I snapped a picture of my discovery and began to consider roots within ourselves.

A reoccurring problem we have in our home is sibling rivalry. Our daughters are three years apart and will challenge one another in the blink of an eye. Our oldest revealed recently that the younger one put both fists up to some boys on the playground to show them who’s boss- oh sweet Jesus guide us. While we, as parents, are exhausted with the bickering and challenges, we have grown to stop and consider the roots that could be forming when constant arguments are occurring.

When arguments arise between our daughters, we will ask each one to apologize and identify the reason they are apologizing. As we teach the girls to dig deeper, we teach them to consider the root of the issue. Is their behavior stemming from revenge? Is jealousy fueling the negative remarks? Was bitterness the source of constant pestering? These are vital questions my husband and I have needed to ask.

Many times, the reaction for the circumstance begins with the emotion that is taking root within us. Our response isn’t typically a fleeting response; it’s an overflow of what’s really going on inside.

I wish I could portray our daughters promptly offering remorse and soaking in the wisdom, but not a chance.  They usually become Ms. Huffy and Ms. Puffy with a strong case of eye rolling. Yet, the phrase, “Identify the root,” continues to surface within our minds reminding us to consider the heart of the matter. As this concept has remained at the forefront of my mind, I have seen more clearly the larger, deeper roots attempting to grow-bitterness, anger, doubt, resentment. Initially, it felt like defeat, but with perspective it became knowledge. By identifying the emotion trying to take root in their hearts we become better equipped to pray for it to cease growth. Sin will always be within each of us; it’s the nature of our flesh, but recognizing it and asking God to cutoff the growth allows room for His love to take root.

Unfortunately, my husband and I will face a zillion more referee moments with our girls, but thankfully, the larger perspective helps us see a deeper purpose. Purpose fuels us; it gives us endurance in the mundane. Consider your purpose in parenting and identify the root of some of the concerns. Ask God to reveal a deeper message to you and your family.


“Wandering in the Wilderness”


“Do you pray about spaghetti sauce?”