“Wandering in the Wilderness”

Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy…. oh my. If you’ve spent any time within the pages of these books of the Bible, you know how strange, repetitive, and difficult they can be to absorb. Many days, I would doubt my endeavor to read through the Bible, asking “what on earth could I learn from this” and “why am I doing this?” As these questions arose, they lead me to consider my motive, “why do I commit to studying my Bible when I’ve been exposed to it my whole life?”

To my surprise, Deuteronomy revealed a relatable, comprehensive message that spoke to my heart and answered my doubt.

Deuteronomy 26:16-17 says, “The Lord your God commands you this day to follow these decrees and laws; carefully observe them with all your heart and with all your soul. You have declared this day that the Lord is your God and that you will walk in obedience to him, that you will keep his decrees, commands and laws-that you will listen to him.”

This particular section represented Moses reminding the Israelites to commit their ways to the Lord as they received boundaries and rules for ways of life. As I realized the overarching message it became clear that these words still applied to my life today.

I was reminded of my own walk with God; the change within my heart, the commitment I made. Much like the Israelites, I too, had walked an almost 40-year journey with Him still learning boundaries in life. Moses was told by God to repeatedly remind them of His commands, His faithfulness, and their responsibilities as he carefully recorded the words from God for future generations to read and hear.  

Notice the wording God gave Moses to speak to others, “carefully observe them with all your heart,” and “declaring…to walk in obedience,” and “that you will listen to Him.”

·       The observation begins in His Word-The Bible.

·       The ‘walk in’ obedience is a commitment to search for His message within The Bible.

·       His voice is spoken through His own Words…found in The Bible.

Just like an Israelite, I am wayward, stubborn, and forgetful. I need to be reminded daily of His commands, Who He is, who He says I am, and hear His voice above my own.

So, why do I read, study, and keep crawling back to my Bible? Because….

·       I want to observe His Words with all my heart and soul.

·       I have a responsibility as a Christian to know His Word, not just hear it.

·       And lastly, I want to hear His voice.

As I continue to wander through a modern-day wilderness, may I never stop turning my eyes back to God’s message and opening my heart to His commands. I encourage you to consider your commitment made to Him and intentionally set aside time to spend in His Word.



“Monumental Reminders”


“Identify the Root”