“Looking inward instead of forward in 2022”
2022 is here, and most of us are uncertain where 2021 went. As a new year arrives, words such as resolutions and goals tend to flood our thoughts. Our mind sees an opportunity for a fresh start, another chance at change.
But instead of looking outward at another new opportunity or another new ambition, what if we look inward and face something within us……our idols.
I used to think an idol was simply a statue made for worship in other religions. A concept I didn’t participate in, until I did…. A pivotal moment came when I recognized the many idols I had developed in my own heart.
As I prayed about numerous things in life, God began to reveal areas of my heart that were ‘off limits.’ Topics or circumstances I held tight and didn’t desire to change. Corners of my heart were restricted as I created idols of comfort, expectations and control.
I had to ask myself a challenging question, “What areas in my life am I not willing to let God tell me yes or no?”
The ones revealed were the idols I had made in my heart….
Expectations of an outcome in a relationship revealed the judgement I desired to hold.
Denial of saying no to partaking in certain actions revealed my desire for comfort.
Exhausting myself with fear of the future with a questionable situation revealed the grip I kept on a gift given to me by God.
The list goes on! So much awareness was brought to me with that one challenging question. That awareness brought an inward change; one that was pivotal in growing closer to God and understanding Him.
He met me at the end of that question with His comfort and His plan. He reminded me that He is the author of everything occurring in life. He is the source of everlasting joy; the things of this world will never fulfill us. He goes before us and stands behind us; nothing is unseen or forgotten.
Including that particular question in my prayers has revealed a clearer view to life’s challenges. Being aware of areas I grip too tightly helps me be honest with God about my concerns.
As we face a new year with endless opportunities for growth, may we not dismiss looking within the heart first. Achieved goals or fulfilled resolutions will never satisfy the longing in our hearts.
Tim Keller wrote it best in his book Counterfeit Gods, “Jesus must become more beautiful to your imagination, more attractive to your heart, than your idol. That is what will replace your counterfeit gods. If you uproot the idol and fail to “plant” the love of Christ in its place, the idol will grow back.”
Now that’s a resolution worth setting!