“Martha’s Words”

“Lord,” Martha said to Jesus, “if you had been here, my brother would not have died. But I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask,” John 11:21, 22(NIV).

The story of Mary and Martha losing their brother Lazarus hits the heart a bit deeper lately. Our community had been hit hard with tragedy and broken hearts were left with questions and doubts beginning with a similar phrase, “Lord, if only…”

I was not familiar with the story of Martha approaching Jesus after her brother had died. The thought of Martha often brought a past image of busyness, frustration and avoidance as her sister Mary sat at Jesus’ feet in their home. Yet here I see her rushing to meet Him with urgency and a sense of confidence in her heart.

Notice her choice of words…” but I know, even now,” that followed behind her “if” statement. Her brother is gone, grief is hovering, and her disappointment still stands, but through the pain she digs deep for what she knows.

I don’t know for certain Martha’s words were implying this, but for me, my heart hears this in her voice, “Jesus, my Savior, if you had been here, this might look different and he might still be here, but what I choose to focus on is what I know in my heart…I believe you have a plan even in our grief and I trust in Your plan from God.”

Martha’s words remind me so much of how our questions, doubt, and fear hover within our minds, but pushing forward can be the attributes and promises of God. Jesus lovingly guides Martha to answer if she believes Jesus is the resurrection and the only source of life, in which she answers, “Yes, Lord, I believe.”

I love seeing her words transition in a way I have never noticed. She began with, “Lord, if…” then “but, I know…” and ended with “Lord, I believe…” and the most inspiring part is Jesus was just getting started. He had not yet commanded Lazarus to come out of the tomb that foreshadowed His resurrection for us.

Jesus met Martha in her grief; lovingly guided her words to an affirmation of what her heart believed, and directed her to trust in a deeper purpose.

How can we be inspired by Martha and help redirect our prayers from the “if only” thought to an attribute of our God that says, “Even if, Father…I know and I believe that you are good, and I trust in whatever You are doing.”  



“If I were 22 again”


“Significant Numbers”