“If I were 22 again”

I’m not a Taylor Swift fan, or a ‘Swiftie’ as they say, but I am familiar with some of her catchy lyrics. Her song, “22” references feeling young again while adding the mixture of emotions and experiences that come along with life. As I listened to the words, I couldn’t help but take a deeper plunge and think about who I was and what I didn’t know in my younger years.  

It’s a common concept…the whole “If you could go back what would you change,” but… instead of referencing regrets or wanting change, what would we say to “what foundational truths did you learn?”

As I looked back on some core memories, several pivotal moments in life came to mind and left me with a list of lessons I hold near my heart in hindsight.

  • Make yourself carve out time to be still before God. It may seem trivial or unnecessary, but learning to be silent and still before The Lord creates a sense of steadiness and patience as you actively participate in giving Him time. Say no to the distractions and spend some unhurried time simply being in the presence of God. Today’s world has temptations to keep our minds rolling, but choosing to be still before your Creator produces much more.   

  • Learn to not act on emotions, or a better phrase would be ‘don’t react.’ I am married to a man that displays incredible strength in this area. When he is approached with frustrating moments or prickly people, he remains steady and says very little until he can confidently approach the matter with clarity. So often, our emotions overtake us, and we find ourselves word vomiting or bubbling with offense then coping with defense. The verse from James 1:19-20 says, “be slow to speak” and that’s exactly what we should practice. Remaining silent and seeking the Lord’s guidance will take us much further.

  • As you enter marriage, trust me when I say, your spouse is not your enemy. When chaos is present the devil is at work. He works hard to turn you against one another. Ephesians 6:12 tells us, “ For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Read God’s Word intently and often, learning how to fight your battles and with whom.

  • There is purpose in every trial. Every bump in the road, every mishap that wrecks your day, it all points back to perspective and purpose. Our Father is a God of detail; the author of every moment, nothing surprises Him. Take hold of this truth. Attach it to your mind and begin to ask, “what are you teaching me in this moment?” or “how can I be a light in this unexpected moment, because I trust that this is not an unexpected one for You.”

Lastly, if I could speak one message to a younger me, it would be that God is good and His timing is perfect. Through the doubt, the tears, the unmet expectations, the changes and more, He knows what He’s doing and will lead the way.


And not only this, but [with joy] let us exult in our sufferings and rejoice in our hardships, knowing that hardship (distress, pressure, trouble) produces patient endurance; and endurance, proven character (spiritual maturity); and proven character, hope and confident assurance [of eternal salvation]. Romans 5:3-5 AMP


“Let’s talk about money!”


“Martha’s Words”