“Who is the Aaron or Hur in your life?”
“So Joshua fought the Amalekites as Moses ordered, and Moses, Aaron and Hur went to the top of the hill. As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning. When Moses’ hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up- one on one side, one on the other-so that his hands remained steady till sunset.” Exodus 17:10-12
I admit, I had never heard this story until recently, but it quickly became one of my favorites with its imagery and significance!
The Israelites have witnessed and endured a lot of monumental moments as they continue to be lead through the wilderness by Moses. If anxiousness was a word back then, I feel confident this group of people experienced it to the max.
Moses and the Israelites have set up camp in the desert at Rephidim when a wild, blood thirsty tribe called the Amalekites attack them. Surprised and fearful, the Israelites are forced to dive into this battle. As the scripture shows, God uses certain people to carry out His plan during the battle. I love how God reveals that Moses, Joshua, Aaron, and Hur each play a part as they work together as a whole. Joshua uses his courage and skills to take action in the battle. Moses continues to seek God’s Will as he moves forward with faith, while Aaron and Hur are an amazing image of friendship as they come alongside him.
We may not be on a hill overlooking men with swords, but we all know life is a battlefield. Aging parents become ill, children can be exhausting, schedules overwhelm us, and uncertainty unravels us. Yet, when the enemy shoots fiery darts at us, nothing shields us more than prayer and those that become the hands and feet of Jesus. The friend that shows up with dinner unexpectedly, the text that comes at just the right time, the encouraging remark spoken, all of these represent the Hur’s and Aaron’s in today’s world.
Moses knew deep within his heart that God’s Will would be done, but weariness set in while he waited. That’s how we feel at times… growing weary as we wait. I love how God incorporated Aaron and Hur to stand alongside Moses reminding him he was not alone. They offered physical, emotional, and spiritual encouragement as they ‘held’ Moses when he couldn’t press on. His friends helped carry out God’s plan.
Just in case you are wondering what the outcome of the Amalekite battle was…Joshua overcame them. Exodus 17:13, “So Joshua defeated defeated Amalek and his army with the sword.” Moses’ hands raised high with his staff represented God’s overarching power. The outcome of the battle was ultimately within God’s hands, but Moses’ trust and his friend’s support assisted in carrying it out.
Who are the Aaron and Hur’s in your life? Better yet, are you being an Aaron or Hur for someone? Ask God to help to make you aware of those that may need encouragement. Being intentional by coming alongside others in life is a wonderful depiction of the gift of Christian friendship.